Monday, December 12, 2022

Slow Start

My day started out with fridge troubles, which then threw me off for the rest of the day. I noticed condensation on the ceiling of the fridge and it felt kind of warm in there, so I put a thermometer in. Within a few minutes it had climbed to 60 degrees. Great. Thankfully, not much in there was absolutely critical to keep cold, so I moved everything to the garage or the freezer. I am so thankful for that tiny freezer... I don't know what I'd be doing without it. I texted Habitat and they said they'd go to the appliance store today. Long story short, a fridge is being delivered tomorrow morning. A better quality one than my original with a warranty! So, all's well that ends well. 

Moving all the food took extra time, so I got to school later than I wanted to. I didn't have time to set out all the art supplies for making parent presents, nor did I remember that we had program practice right away in the morning. Thankfully, all that worked out and everything went fine, but boy was my head in a loop for most of the day! I hope I'm not getting sick... I had two kids out for the count today.

The second half of the day went better. Miss K, my student teacher, taught the 7-8th graders and helped set up the 5-6th lab. We went outside for recess even with the bracing wind, which helped me wake up a bit more. Now, on to the next thing! G and I are applying for our marriage license today after school. Just two weeks to go!

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