Friday, December 9, 2022


Lots of drippy, snoofy noses in class today. The 7-8th graders took a test with me and the room was completely silent save for the sniffles. 

Today was all sorts of messed up... We had a two hour late start for Nicollet, but it wasn't announced until 6:45am, which is very late. Since New Ulm was on time, I had to get to school pretty much at the usual time. It only snowed an inch or two, so my driveway wasn't too hard to shovel. G is coming over later and volunteered to shovel the rest, so I just scooped out two tire tracks in the driveway. 😆

Most of my kids arrived by 8:15. Two of mine are teacher's kids who show up when she shows up. Three ride the New Ulm bus. Two of my Nicollet bus riders were out sick. I told my class whenever the last student showed up, we'd start class. So they had about an hour and a half study hall. I worked on lesson plans for the next three weeks and got pretty far. 

It was a pretty quiet morning. A pretty quiet day overall, I should say. We started a new read-aloud book, one about a Christmas pageant that gets taken over by a family with the worst kids in the school (The Best Christmas Pageant Ever). It's a great book. We made it halfway or so and will definitely finish before Christmas break. Not sure if we'll start another book or if we'll read choose your own adventures or Encyclopedia Brown stories to tide us over...

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