Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Playin in the Rain

My kids were all excited today because today is a PE day and the weather was good enough to have softball practice outside.  One of the 7th graders told me, "Miss H, you ABSOLUTELY need to have your kids come down to Mr. E's room on time today.  It's PE today. And we're doing softball.  You HAVE to."  Well, Miss W taught the 5th and 6th graders today, but she finished the lesson with a few minutes to spare, so everyone got where they needed to be on time.  And the 5-7th graders headed outside with glee.

It was fairly nice weather up until 2:10ish... then a sudden downpour. And yet I didn't hear any noise coming from the gym.  A few minutes later, one of the 5th graders dashed inside to grab a jacket.  On her way out the door she said, "Mr. E is letting us keep playing outside! It's fun but it's cold!!!"  At 2:30, everyone happily trekked inside, soaking wet but bubbling over with the novelty of getting drenched in the rain.  It will be a PE to remember that's for sure!

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