Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Shoo Fly!

The weirdest thing ever happened in 7th grade science today.  The powerpoint went ahead two slides without me touching the board...

Nothing else was touching it, or even close to it! So I was confused.  Then one of the 7th graders pointed out the fly buzzing around.  That's right.  The fly hit the board and that was enough to trigger the slide to move ahead.  After school, I was working on my computer and the mouse started moving on its own.  Yep, that pesky fly again!  Not sure how it got in here, although we did have the windows open today, so maybe it snuck in through a hole in the screen...

One of the 6th graders came to school with a gigantic freezer bag full of mini Crunch bars, which he shared with everyone of course.  I got two, Miss W (our student teacher) got four I think.  He said he has about three hundred of them.  That might possibly be true.

Remember way back earlier this year, when my students read and reread the same four picture books over and over again? And I got sick of them not reading anything else, so I sent the books on "vacation"? Well, they came back from vacation yesterday.  Today was the first day anyone noticed.  All of a sudden I heard a squeal from the Reading Corner, "Ooooh! We got Black, White, Day, Night back! And Be Brown is here too! ...[insert classmate's name] I missed them books." This from a 6th grade boy.  We also discovered that a bunch of books had fallen behind the metal filing cabinet.  To get to them, we had to pull out a bunch of posters I have stored back there.  I think we found about seven books back there!

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