Thursday, April 19, 2018

Found Poetry

My kids LOVED what we did for Writers Workshop today. I knew they would, so I was super pumped to show it to them. It's called found poetry. You take a page of a book (or a page of typed words), pick out specific words here and there to make a poem, and blackout the rest of the page.

That's where it gets interesting. You can blackout everything regular all over, do it in patterns, make a picture... possibilities are endless!

I had a stack of book pages in my apartment leftover from when I made my Pride and Prejudice book purse (cut out the inside of the book, leaving room for purse stuff!). Good thing I kept them! They were perfect for found poetry. Lots of them didn't want to stop; some even brought extra pages home so they could make more! Yay!

Here are two that I made:

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