Thursday, April 5, 2018

Sermon on the Mound, Musical

My student teacher is lovely. Our meeting got started a little late since she made the wrong turn to get to the school. But she eventually found it and I took her on a tour of the school. She got to meet one of the students who had stayed after to get her math done. It turns out Miss T knows Miss M (our student teacher from the fall) very well since they're roommates (I think) and at the very least good friends. So she is already a little familiar with my classroom and students. Miss T is super enthusiastic about teaching and being in the classroom. She wants to teach basically any lesson I throw her way, so she starts teaching next week Wednesday and Thursday, and by her second week she's teaching both lessons (5/6 and 7/8) each day. It's going to be great! I know my kiddos will love her. The 7/8th graders might be more of a hard sell, but she'll win them over.

Miss S posted the cast list for the spring musical before the kids got here. It was hilarious to watch them realize the list was posted... Only one 5th grader noticed at first. She got in the room and off-handedly asked, "So, Miss H, what does it mean if I'm a soloist for the musical?"
Before I could answer, one of her classmates asked, "Wait, how do you know what you are?"
"I saw it." She then began to list off the parts of everyone else close to her.
Everyone was still confused. They kept asking me and I just kept wiggling my eyebrows at them.
Finally the girl said, "There's a list in the hallway! Didn't you see it?"
"Yeah, I'll show you."
Cue the mass exodus out of the room to go look at the list.

Most were satisfied with their parts. The ones who were hesitant at first, I talked up their parts and now they're excited, or at least can deal with it. The majority of the parts have only one or two lines. We had a lot of girls who wanted speaking parts and hardly any boys, so we had to switch some male parts to female. There were quite a few that could be flipped, no big deal.

Starting tomorrow we practice songs in the morning. We'll do that three times a week in the morning. The last day of April and the first week in May, we'll go over to church and run the whole thing. May 10th is the performance! The play is called Sermon on the Mound and it's a baseball theme, trusting God to help you, praying/relying on God, etc. It's going to be good. I can't wait for them to read through the script!

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