Friday, April 6, 2018

Sore Feet

I forgot my shoes at home today.

Some of you may be scratching your heads at this sentence since in Minnesota the high for today was 23 degrees and it was hyperwindy all day... Yeah, I wore my snow boots to school and left the pair I'd been planning to wear on the floor of my living room. Oops.

I didn't feel like wearing the clunkers all day, so I went in sock feet. Only a few people noticed actually! By the end of the day, my feet were sore.

The musical folders (with scripts and song lyrics) have been put together and passed out to the students with lines! My kids really wanted theirs ASAP, so we convinced Miss S to print everything today so we could staple them into folders this morning. She brought everything down during reading buddies and we stapled after that. She didn't have enough copies of the script, so I had to make more. Then some of the copies weren't all front-to-back, so we were missing pages. I had to make more copies. Then we ran out of a few of the songs. Back to the copier! Eventually we did get them all together, but man, lots of running back and forth!

Monday is PreK-Kindergarten round up and this year other classrooms will be open for viewing. Cleaning time! I wrote a few tidying to-dos on the board this morning, thinking my kiddos would be too busy working on their other assignments due today to do them, but actually, they got them all done! One girl even got out the vacuum! (They're all up in arms because they think the janitor skips vacuuming our room Wednesday nights... maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. I always forget to check the floor before I leave).

This afternoon we started our pinatas. They were messy, but they cleaned up after themselves very well. One group's balloon popped at the very end and their newspaper shell deflated too. They'll have to start over on Monday. :(

Sunday night we're supposed to get another 4-5 inches of snow... grr... Will this winter weather ever stop?!

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