Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Under 30

We had a snow day yesterday. Yes, it's April. It was the first full snow day we've had all year! All the other storms have come on days we already had off. It was a bit unexpected, but at the same time welcome, except I just ended my garage lease at my apartment. My car had to sit outside in the yucky weather. I, on the other hand, stayed warm and dry in my apartment, reading books! Don't worry, I didn't laze around the entire day; I also mapped out the rest of the year for science and social studies... we have 27 days left after today. Yikes!!! That doesn't give us much time!!!

My student teacher for science/social is stopping by after school. She'll be here starting Monday for the rest of April. When she comes, we'll talk about how many lessons she wants to teach and what she wants to teach about, plus give her a tour of the school and introduce her to the other teachers... those that are still around anyway. 

Miss S and I are also having a meeting to firm up plans for the musical. Over break I plugged students into speaking parts, but I want to run it by her before making anything official. There are a few girls who have singing parts instead of speaking parts... I should probably run it by them to make sure they're comfortable doing that before I give them their parts.

Pinatas are almost ready to go. I just have to divvy up the glue into each group's container. We're doing the papier-mâché part Friday. I was hoping the weather would be nicer so we could build them outside, but we might have to go with the messy table option. I'm debating whether I should get more balloons or not. I probably have enough for this year, but there won't be much selection. 

My kids have been anxious about all they need to do this week. We're still having spelling, handwriting, and memory even though it's turning into a three day week! When they asked, I said, "It's either do it this week or do double another week!" Surprisingly, one or two said they'd rather do double another week. Weird. They all calmed down when I let them work on spelling during read-aloud and said they didn't need to color their border sheet in handwriting. I'm kind of nervous about memory work though... I gotta get some of my pokey puppies working on theirs sooner rather than later. They only have two more days to get it!

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