Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Another wet-ish day at school. It wasn't raining during recess times, so we did go outside. Underneath the big tire swing sat a puddle of water. One of the 5th graders somehow ended up sliding off the tire into the puddle. Oops. Wet pants. It brought me back to one of my earliest memories... pre-school.

It had rained and filled the track marks under the swings with water. That was before pea rock was added to our playground, so it was all dirt and mud. The other girls in my class figured out we could still swing on them by pulling the swing to the side, carefully climbing on, letting it swing back out, and pumping our legs to get higher. I wanted to try too! But, I wasn't all that coordinated and slipped off the swing straight into the mud puddle. My favorite dress= totally soaked in brown water.

Earlier that day I had been playing with a big, fancy, white dress up dress. I had wanted to bring the dress home with me earlier, but my teacher said we had to leave it at school so other kids could play with it too. I got to wear that lovely dress the rest of the day, and maybe even got to wear it home... although my memory is a bit fuzzy on that point. Maybe Mom brought me a change of clothes at the end of the day.

Anyway, this kid wasn't too upset about it. There's a soccer game after school, so his mom would be bringing his soccer clothes and he'd end up changing anyway. No harm done.

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