Wednesday, October 31, 2018

T Minus One Day

Tomorrow is NaNo! And I still haven't figured out what I'm writing... My kiddos are super pumped though. I am too, but my excitement is tempered by all the things I need to accomplish in the near future... end of the quarter grades/report cards, helping a friend move, finishing cleaning/reorganizing my apartment, reading the books I checked out from the library, parent teacher conferences, Family Write Night (in conjunction with NaNo), Thanksgiving, Christmas program planning, and I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting.

Sigh. Baby steps. Just do one thing at a time.

I actually left school before 3:30 today. I went for a walk with a friend, then went to Mankato to help a different friend go through her stuff pre-move. She was in a purging mood and gave me a whole bunch of stuff for my classroom. I had told my students if they wanted to trick or treat at my house, they'd have to come after 7:30 because I wouldn't be home before then.

Right after I unloaded my car, I heard voices and saw a group of kids coming up the sidewalk (it was 7:31). In a few minutes I had a knock at my door. Only two groups of kids came, but that's okay! That's usually about the amount of trick or treaters I get. My neighbor to the left had said she'd be home for visitors, so I pointed them in her direction too. I hadn't talked to my neighbors on the other side, but their porch light was on, so I sent my kiddos that way too.

I'm pretty sure everyone is home for the night, so my light is off and I can settle in to more correcting papers. I guess the rest of the candy is mine!

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