Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Piling Up

I need to devote time to correcting papers... I have a large stack that doesn't seem to be getting much smaller. With NaNo starting in about a week, there's even more paperwork being generated by my class. Some stuff takes more time/brain power to correct than others; I just need to make myself do it. The trouble is, I'm still focused on getting my apartment put back together after cleaning (and finishing the cleaning). There's only so much a girl can do in one day!

My class was more focused this morning, but the afternoon, not so much. We had a quiet, productive morning working on NaNo ideas. Some kids have super great ideas! A few have no clue. I am in the same boat. Closer to lunchtime I remembered I have a pinterest board of writing prompts, so I scrolled that a bit and found some potential ideas for myself. Tomorrow I'll show it to students who need a story spark. I can't believe next Friday is November already!

The end of the quarter is near too... next Friday as well. There are a lot of kids with their names on the board for redos/late work! I talked to parents today and a bunch of kids are staying after school tomorrow to get things done if the soccer game is cancelled. There's one on the calendar that's been rescheduled two or three times already. The only thing is there's rain in the forecast for tomorrow, so it doesn't bode well for playing. It's the last one and won't be rescheduled again since it's been postponed so many times already. It'd be a bummer to end the season with a cancelled game, but we'll see what happens!

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