Monday, September 16, 2019


There were two soccer games today after school. In the past, it hasn't been a huge deal. This year, all but two of my students stayed after to wait for the games to start. This means instead of getting work done, I get to supervise/entertain/keep busy all the kids who stick around. It also meant I got to corral students and herd them back to the classroom because they kept leaving. Whew.

Our school day was also a bit frantic. The kitchen stove quit working again, making our cook haul the food over to church to cook it, haul it back, then serve it to us. The helper told me lunch would be about 20-30 minutes late. It ended up being 50 minutes.

My kids were starving and didn't hesitate to tell me so. We did science class while we waited. We actually accomplished quite a bit during that time. I had thought some of the classes had been served already, so when we found out the cook was back, we wrapped up the lesson, got ready for lunch, then washed our hands. And that's when I found out no one had been served until now, so the 3-4th graders were just starting to be served. So we waited in line a long time, had a short recess, and pushed math class back until 1pm.

This has been the fifth or sixth time the stove hasn't worked in the morning, and it's been very frustrating to our new cook. Hopefully the stove works tomorrow, or we might not have a cook anymore...

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