Friday, September 27, 2019


Yesterday someone left a delicious muffin on my desk. I have a suspicion it was Mrs. B, but haven't confirmed that fact. I should, because it was so good I want the recipe. Today I found a chocolate truffle on my desk. Later, an 8th grader told me she left it for me, just because.

I really needed the chocolate today... it was a rough one. Lots of chitchatty people, none were super loud, but when there are a lot of not-too-loud talkers, it makes things pretty noisy. Two of the boys were hard to settle and had trouble with impulse control today. One tried taking his spelling test and crumpled it up TWICE. The third time he actually finished it.

The 7-8th graders were awful during their lab, goofing off and messing with the supplies in ways they shouldn't. We were doing a lab on the three kinds of rocks, sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous, by shaving crayons and compressing them (sedimentary), heating them over a lit candle (igneous), then cooling them with ice cubes. The fire was too tempting for some of them. Then they threw pens at each other across the room, so I gave them sentences. Sigh. You'd think they'd know better.

However, most kids turned their stuff in. By the end of the day only one kid still had a chunk of memory work to say. All handwriting was turned in, as were the spelling tests. I was definitely ready to send them home!

Last night I took my car in for an oil change and tire rotations. Afterwards they always give you a 'this is what we found when we checked everything out' speech and a lot of times it's news you don't want to hear. But my car is doing just fine! No other maintenance required. Since my car was so good at her 'doctor's' visit, I said she could have a treat. I was thinking ice cream, but she wanted a lime green 8ft kayak we found at Walmart. Eight feet fits in my car! And it was on clearance! So, I splurged. :D Hopefully I'll have a chance to take it out this weekend!

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