Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Student Teacher

I met our student teacher today after school. He's very laid back and seems super nice. We'll work well together, I can tell. I think my boys will like him; Mr. W is pretty sporty. He's a junior hoping to be a high school social studies teacher. He hasn't had a ton of clinical experience, but he's student teaching next semester, so I'm the last chance to learn how to be a teacher before he actually has to go it 'alone'. He told me he was very thankful how quickly I responded and how nice I was in my emails. His other clinical teachers would take weeks to respond to his emails and when they did it was very short responses.

The 7-8th graders know; I told them today. I haven't told my 5-6th graders yet (unless I did and forgot I did, which is totally possible). When Mr. W got here, I showed him around the school and introduced him to the staff. There were a few kids in Mrs. L's room. After he left, Mrs. L said that one of her students who'd stayed after school asked who he was. One of the 7th grade girls who'd been in the room too said, "Oh, he's going to take Miss H's place when she leaves. He's going to be the new teacher." Uhhh, what?

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how rumors start. My class is going on a field trip tomorrow, so I won't be at school... will that add fuel to the fire? Probably not. Hopefully that is a rumor that won't take off the ground.

In other news, the IT guys did not come last night to give me a replacement projector. Sigh. I should've been prepared, but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. Apparently the 'loaner' projector they thought they had access to was already being used by another client far enough away they couldn't just go get it. So. I had to cobble together a plan for today again.

One group of 5-6th graders presented their powerpoint on a laptop set on a shelf in front of the class. We all sat on the floor so we could see the screen. Not the smoothest plan ever, but it worked okay. The 7-8th graders brought laptops down to my room with them, I put the powerpoint on the website, and they followed along on their screens. Again, not the smoothest, but we made it work. Then for American history with my 5-6th graders, I had a laptop set up front, me on a stool, the rest of them on the floor with clipboards so they could follow along on their notes sheet. We survived. But I will be so glad when my tech issues are fixed.

Our field trip tomorrow is to the Arboretum up in Chaska. I can't wait! We have enough parent drivers I get to ride with a parent instead of drive. It's one of my favorite parents (I know we're not supposed to have favorites, but each teacher totally does). I had planned to have us back in time for buses, but there's so much to look at, I want us to get our money's worth. After school I messaged parents to see if anyone had an issue with us getting back a little later. So far, no one has!

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