Friday, October 4, 2019

Black Eye and No Time

Gah, the 7-8th graders moved so slowly today! Of course it's the days I want them to go fast that they move like tortoises... They needed to get their spelling tests done, then present their renewable energy resources powerpoints, then we needed to practice bells, all in one hour.

It took them 25 minutes to finish their spelling tests. They do them off a recording which is maximum seven minutes long. No reason to take almost a half an hour. Most of them took so long because they were waiting for someone else to join their group, and then when the person finally arrived, they couldn't figure out how to get to the test recording. Sigh.

We ended up having time for only one person to present. The rest didn't want to give up their class test study session on Monday, so they agreed to have me dock their grades for not presenting so we can just study longer.

The 5-6th graders actually did pretty good handing stuff in today. They didn't do so well physically though... One girl was home sick. Another hurt her hand on the seesaw at afternoon recess. A boy twisted his ankle that same recess. And another boy got a black eye! It puffed up really fast. I sent him on the bus with a makeshift ice pack to hopefully help with the pain and swelling.

Now I get to go to church and set up for the silent auction. Other parents are already over there getting the pork chop dinner things set up. Hopefully it won't take too long to do...

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