Tuesday, October 1, 2019


I realized I forgot to post yesterday. I signed up for a watercolor class this fall through Mankato community ed and the first day was yesterday. It's from 6-8pm. By the time I got home, I was exhausted and just went to bed. The class was fun! I might be the youngest one there, but all the ladies are enthusiastic and our instructor is an energetic, laid back kind of guy.

Before going to class, I had a meeting with the Redeemer youth group leader and my ICY co-leader to talk about plans for our youth groups. She just started and wants to connect their church's youth with youth at other Lutheran churches.

Today was another busy, busy day. It was one of those that made me want to pull my hair out because nothing helped my kids settle. We did have quiet moments in the morning, but it was only after constant monitoring. I should re-read my Teaching with Love and Logic book. The last time I read it was for a college class. It's a lot harder to retain those tactics when you don't have particular students in mind...

It thunder-stormed this morning and rained all day. Normally it's not such a bad thing, however, today was Hearing and Vision Screening, and the nurse needed the gym all afternoon to prep and screen kids. So my kids had indoor recess both recesses. They tried to convince me we could go outside in the pouring rain, but for some reason I wouldn't budge... They found things to do, like play legos and draw with my special markers. Some played games and others rolled a ball around the floor in the center of the desks. Still, they were all antsy to get out and play in the gym. The screening ended up finishing in enough time to give us 8 minutes at recess, which the boys took full advantage of.

My student teacher's first day was today. The 7-8th graders were overly talkative, but my 5-6th graders were great! Mr. W is very tall. I'm not overly tall, but my low classroom ceiling always gives the illusion that I am, so it was a shock for my students to see me so short next to him! He's going to be a great fit for our classroom. He stuck around for an extra half hour to hang out with my class during indoor recess. The girls (and some of the boys) played a game together. It was sweet to see them bonding already.

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