Wednesday, October 23, 2019


It's amazing how during the day I have a great thought on what to write in my daily post and then when it comes time to write, I completely blank! Oh well.

Two kids in my class were sick today. One never came to school and the other went home before lunch. I should've gotten my flu shot a long time ago, but I kept putting it off. So, I'm getting it tonight (already planned, not doing it just because kids are getting sick!).

I'm slowly getting things cleaned up in the classroom. The textbook shelf is getting emptier (taking my teacher planning books off, moving around the extra math books). The plant things on the lab table are getting condensed. My closet is still a mess! Electricity hasn't been wired to the shed yet, so we're not really able to put anything in there. All the stuff I want to move out is in the front part of the closet so it's quite difficult to get anything out of there. And my plant stuff will move out there too, once there's a designated space. Patience. Patience. It seems to be a theme around here...

We planned our NaNos more today. I tried to get my kiddos to come up with a conflict for their novels; some had an easier time of it than others. Some still haven't figured out who their characters are, so they had to back up and work on that. I'm coming up with good ideas for my story! I was a little worried since I haven't felt the most creative lately, but when I showed my students some picture prompts to get them started brainstorming, one jumped out at me. Then in creating protagonists and antagonists, more ideas are locking into place. There are still some things I don't know yet, but that's part of the fun of writing a story!

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