Thursday, October 3, 2019


Three of my students were interviewed on KNUJ after school to promote the pork chop dinner and silent auction. They did a pretty good job for their first time on the air! It was a little hard to hear them sometimes, but the announcer guided them to lean closer to the mic. One of the boys hadn't wanted to go, but because his brother was signed up, he had to go too. I was really proud of him that he said stuff on the air!

Class went okay today. One kid got sent to work in Mr. E's room this morning because he couldn't settle. Three boys had to run laps for 10 minutes before lunch because they were sitting on/playing with the new trikes for the preK-K students. No big kids allowed. Not to mention they were supposed to be waiting in line for lunch, not playing in the gym. So they ran a lot. Then, after eating, the 7-8th graders were riding around on the trikes!!! Augh!

Ms. F took over watching noon recess so I could visit the Bookmobile, use the restroom, and scarf down the last bites of my lunch without worrying about my students. Public school teachers don't know how good they have it, getting a lunch break!

Our student teacher Mr. W's second day was today. He stuck around for afternoon recess and played basketball with them. At first he didn't know if he was allowed to. I remember my professors always telling us that we needed to play with our kids at recess. Normally I'm too busy eating my lunch or wrangling kids... but today I played volleyball with one of the 5th grade girls. We paused from time to time to watch Mr. W. He's so tall he doesn't even have to jump to get the rebound! Plus he just has to hold it over his head and no one can reach it. Still, we were both impressed that he didn't give his team too much of an advantage. He passed the ball to his teammates a lot of the time. I hope my students were watching! Some could take some lessons from him!

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