Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Tons of Books

Well, I made it through another pile of stuff on my desk. I had made a stack of books I planned to use in curriculum planning this summer, but August slipped away before I had a chance to dive in very deep. So the pile sat. Today I paged through it and brought most of it home, just in case I'm inspired sometime (hopefully this winter on one of our potentially many snow days). I have another pile of a similar nature, but I didn't have time to bring it with me today. Oh well, there will be plenty of other days!

I ran errands tonight, one of which was to pick up my books on hold at the library. I maxed out how many books I can place a hold on... it's 25. A lot of them were in, plus I have a stack of them from last week I didn't get through. It's not as bad as it sounds; almost all of them are picture books. The rest are graphic novels. So I just need a night or two at home to devote to reading. Unfortunately, I've had too much going on at night.

My watercolor class has been fun, but that takes away a reading night. Then with a New Ulm errand night and bible study once a week, that only leaves one or two nights to work with. This week is even shorter than usual since my class leaves for Camp Omega tomorrow morning. My classroom is ready to go. I made a to-do-before-we-go list to make sure we get everything done before we leave.

One of the tasks is to bring the fire posters down to the office. I found out our Fire Prevention Week posters are due Friday. Since we're gone tomorrow, everyone basically has to have them done today or do it tonight as homework. I wish they would give us the stuff sooner so they have more time to work on them... I should make a note to look up the theme back in September. It seems like this happens every year.

Another thing is to pack read-to-self books and bibles. I need to decide which book I'm bringing... chaperones are supposed to bring books too (to set a good example for the kids). One chaperone admitted he'd been planning to play cards on his phone while the kids were reading! Hmm... not the example I'm looking for.

The weather isn't supposed to be nice while we're there, so I have a note to bring our extra mittens/gloves along, just in case. I'm wondering how many pairs of winter things I myself should bring along so I don't get so cold. It's supposed to be wet both days and cold on Friday. Well, better bring extra socks too! I guess I should make sure my suitcase is all packed...

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