Sunday, January 25, 2015

Dress Revolution

I don't usually post on a Sunday, but enough interesting things happened at church that I felt I should share.

This morning I got to church and heard the news that one of my bell playing students was sick and wouldn't be in church.  Okay, find a way for us to cover his bells.  I asked a few of our former students, siblings of my students, (now in high school) if they'd be willing to take over.  One girl definitely didn't want to do it, but another one stepped in and said she would.  Whew! Crisis averted. 

Not so fast.  It turns out one of the 8th graders wasn't in church because he went to hang out with some hockey buddies.  Great.  Two minutes before the service and I have to find someone else to play his bells.  Thankfully there was another older sister who was willing to play. 

We sang our two songs at the beginning of the service with the bells to play right after.  One 8th grader forgot that he had to play bells, so he sat down by his parents after singing.  His mom was playing the piano for the service and she gave him a look like "Aren't you forgetting something?"  So he got up and walked all the way around the back of the church to get to his bells.  I suppose he didn't want to walk in front of everybody by himself.  I don't know what it was this morning... the replacement players played fine, but the girls who play the melody notes just couldn't get their act together.  Not our best performance. 

I don't know what to do to get all my players to church to play!  I hate trying to find replacements.  Should we just not play bells if someone isn't there?  Play without their bells?  Try to switch the music around?  I know it throws the rest of the players off.  Sigh.  And now I need to pick out two new songs to play for next month.  It wouldn't be so bad if someone else picked the music and I just had to direct bells.  Anyway. Enough on that subject.

Pastor had to leave for a meeting after church, so he asked me to turn on the tv/video we are watching as our Bible study.  For whatever reason, I could not get the remotes to work!  I did eventually get it started though (by pressing buttons on the actual tv/dvd player). 

After Bible study, one of the older ladies commented on another lady's skirt she had worn to church.  The skirt-wearing lady said, "I haven't worn dresses to church in so long... I used to, but then no one else did, so I stopped wearing them.  And now that Emily is here and wears skirts all the time, I thought I should start again!"  So now I have a dress-wearing buddy for church.  I could wear nice pants, but I wear those every day for school, so it just doesn't feel like dressing up to wear them to church.  That and Mom would always make my sisters and I wear skirts to church, no matter the weather.  Now I guess it's been ingrained in my brain to dress nicely for church.  So, thanks Mom for putting up with all our whining! :)

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