Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Mrs. B brought in a big box of books to donate to our class.  I haven't gotten a chance to look through them yet... but it looks like there are some good ones in there!

She has been so helpful in our class, words can't describe how useful she is.  Our science lab today was testing different liquids students brought from home to see if they are acids or bases.  She brought a bunch of liquids from home for students who forgot theirs.  And she helped groups follow along with the lab, answering questions if they had them.  When the lab was over, she helped students clean up their areas, and even volunteered to bring the ice cream pail "dump buckets" and other cups home to wash!  How lovely not to worry about getting everything clean at school.

Today was a little better behavior-wise.  Some rough patches here and there, but we overcame them... maybe not by leaps and bounds, sometimes more along the lines of tripping and stumbling, but we did it.  And everyone made it home safely. 

Faculty meeting was pretty long.  We pounded out a lot of details about upcoming events.  It was brought up to maybe move the NLSW celebrations to March.  We'd have more time to plan, basketball would be over, and it would be nicer weather.  PTL meeting is tomorrow night, so we'll see what the parents think.  We'll still do activities during the real NLSW at the end of January... the 5-8th grades will go to a Civil War re-enactor at MLHS that week.  Then on Friday, Good Shepherd Lutheran School invited our school to do "Jesus Food" which is pretty much the same thing as the Kids Against Hunger and Food for the Poor packing events.  Pizza will follow.  Back at our school, we'll do a pep fest for the Lakefield basketball tournament and most families will probably leave school early so they can get checked into Cutties before the game.

And now it's time to head for home again... 5:30.  Not too far off the mark.

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