Friday, January 9, 2015

Wrapping up the week

Snow day yesterday (or should I say, Blizzard Day?) and two hour late start this morning. 

It sure seems that these two hour delay days last forever!  My kids were at each other's throats all day.  Plus they hadn't practiced their memory work at home very much and almost all of them still needed to say it.  Ugh, it had me wanting to pull my hair out.  To top it off, this week's memory was the 1st article and meaning... super long.  One kid still didn't say his.  Once he found out he wasn't going to get recess until his memory work was said, he shut down and decided he couldn't do it.  And then when I told him he needed to keep studying, he grabbed a basketball and started shooting around saying he was "putting the ball away".  This was after I had called everyone in from recess to go to math.  The rest of the afternoon, he sat there making faces at the rest of the class, not even pretending to study. 

A 6th grader "forgot" to bring her handwriting home on Wednesday.  She said it "fell out of her book bag" or it "fell out of her arms" and she didn't pick it up.  So she had all four days of handwriting to do and not a whole lot of time to do it.  Then she got mad when I made her work in the classroom while everyone else got to go to recess.  And she still didn't get it finished... of course, she spent most of art time watching what everyone else was doing instead of working on her handwriting. 

We started a project using single point perspective... making floating 3D shapes.  Some of them got it right away, but the vast majority was confused and then didn't understand what I was trying to explain to them.  I ended up going around to each person to individually help them figure it out.  I think most are straightened out now.  Next week we're going to do a similar project where they create 3D names using the same method.  So we'll see how that goes.

On a positive note, a lot of my kids brought in liquids to test in our pH lab.  We're pushing it off until Tuesday just in case they forget on Monday.  And my car started this morning and after school today (we took down decorations from our Christmas program after school at church).  I was fairly productive on my day off yesterday and I have a big pile of books to read from the library.

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