Friday, January 23, 2015

Dripping Faucet

No, everything in my apartment and my classroom are fine... it's my nose that won't stop dripping.  My sore throat from earlier in the week decided to vacation to my nose and now I've been sneezing and blowing my nose non-stop.  I've been pumping the Vitamin C and oranges and tea, so hopefully it won't stick around too much longer.

This afternoon's classroom games went well.  It was nice to just have fun and watch the kids playing with each other.  My 7-Up game was a hit!  The little kids couldn't stop giggling when their heads were on their desks.  One of the 8th grade girls would make the Jaws "dun, dunt, dun, dunt, dun, dunt..." while she snuck around choosing which thumb to press.  Other students tried to be really sneaky about it and use their pinkie or their whole hand to mimic a younger/older kid.  And the kindergartners didn't really know what was going on.  Some pushed as many thumbs as they could reach and others stood and watch when they were supposed to be "it."  It was really cool to see the 8th graders step in and help them out/cheer them on. 

Our vinegar eggs are starting to look disgusting.  Lots of foam and calcium deposits are on the tops of the eggs now.  A few of them rotated in the containers.  I hope they keep changing! 

The most recent MN history project was for my students to be land speculators and design a town.  Then they had to create a brochure/poster convincing people to come visit their town.  One boy wrote in his brochure, "Come to Barn Town! We have the best meat in the country. Land is $14 per ten acres.  Railroads will come through.  We have the best teacher in the Northern Hemisphere! She is Miss Heintz! The town also has a carrot farm."  How sweet!

It's funny, on Fridays, when I don't have to stay at school planning for the next day, I still have trouble leaving.  I think part of it is that school is so peacefully quiet, I feel so comfortable I don't want to leave.  Not to mention I can get caught up on non-lesson-ish things I let slide during the week.  But, my to-do list has finally dwindled enough that I am ready to head for home.

Plans for the weekend: I was going to hang out with a college friend tomorrow, but she called today to see what the plan was and we found out that both of us had been planning to read books all night.  So she invited me over tonight to read books together.  :)  Sunday morning our school is singing in church and playing handbells.  Aside from that, my plan is to relax and see if I can get my cold to move on!

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