Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tuesday Kind of Day

Another average January at school in Minnesota... except it rained last night and a little throughout the day.  Apparently it's now snowing outside, so I'll have to be careful of the roads as I'm driving home.

Today was the first day of the third quarter.  Wow, has time flown!  New seating charts, new science partners, new BINGO sheets.  The seating charts went over okay.  Only two students complained.  I'm hoping they can work their differences out because there's no where else to put them that's less "controversial" (meaning, no other people they can sit by without making a fuss).  I passed out BINGO prizes to my kids for last quarter's Bingo sheet.  Instead of making them do book reports each quarter, they have to read different genre of books to get bingos.  Everyone has to get at least one bingo (books I read aloud to the class count too) per quarter.  Any extras equal prizes.  I had three students get Blackouts this round!  Lots of prizes were passed out, mostly candy.  A few of them picked from my selection of books.  Puzzles were another popular prize along with Slinkys. 

The 1st and 2nd graders took forever to go to lunch today.  Mr. D's class went down at their normal time (thinking the 1/2nd graders just forgot to knock on their door), so my class went down at our normal time and there were still 1st and 2nd graders in the line getting their food!  My class was so loud we went back to our classroom and hung out until the line went down more.  Of course, that meant we didn't get out to recess until 12:05 when we're supposed to be out by 11:55 or 12:00, which in turn made my boys really crabby.  But Mr. E and I decided to give them a little extra recess... apparently not enough since they were still grumbly about coming in when I ended recess.  When my class found out about the extra recess, one 5th grade boy said to me, "That's my girl!" 

IEP meeting and two basketball games after school.  We played Mt. Olive, a tough team to beat, and we didn't pull off any wins.  But man, the boys' game was amazing!  They were darting in and out, bouncing off the players and floor.  Yikes!  I wish I had moves like that.  Not many of our baskets went in though, and their players are way taller than ours.  Oh well, such is life.

I had thought about doing my library/grocery run tonight, but what with this not-so-good weather, I think I'll postpone until tomorrow or Thursday.

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