Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Snow, Insects, and Kahoot

There is currently about four inches of snow on the ground and it's not supposed to stop snowing until 7pm. I'm glad I wore my boots to school! It didn't start until about 10am this morning. I hadn't checked the weather lately, and I wouldn't have been prepared, but a friend called me on her way to work this morning and mentioned she had worn a 'snow themed' outfit hoping to scare the snow away. 

In other news, our class package to my marine friend finally arrived! He said the mug arrived unbroken and the gingersnaps were even better than the ones I sent in the last package. Good to know they don't go stale! He also commented that he loved the cards, but the handwriting was kind of hard to read on most of them. I passed on the message to my kids and they all looked a little chagrined. Maybe they'll write neater next time!

Now that my students have discovered the joys of Kahoot (an educational interactive quiz/gameshow website), they want to do one all the time. They convinced me we should do one this afternoon during our art time. So we did. We found one about the sleep cycle and learned while we played. They had so much fun they wanted to do a second one, so this time we found one about Fur Traders, which is what we've been learning in Minnesota history. They did great on that one! 

I should really use Kahoot more. It's engaging, they love it, and it can have a bunch of teachable moments if you pick the right one. Ooo... maybe I should make some music appreciation Kahoots! That's one subject that has fallen to the wayside so far this year...

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