Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Asian Beetles

Asian Beetles have taken over the school. Or at least the playground. They were everywhere today!!! And they bite! I told the kids they had to do a beetle check before they came into the classroom so we wouldn't have too many flying around bothering us. I thought I was good when I came in, but there were three that had crawled up my sweater and were in my sleeves! Gross!

Today was an interesting day in other ways too... Yesterday, my projector screen showed up purple and green and fuzzy so you couldn't recognize anything on it. After a call to IT and troubleshooting the usual ways (nothing fixed it), we cobbled our way through the rest of the day. I asked IT if he'd be able to switch my broken projector with a working one after school and IT said he should be able to do it. 

Imagine my disappointment when I turned on the projector this morning and it was even worse! So I texted and said such. Then, I asked if he'd be able to come out to school during the day and switch it... he wouldn't bother my class! No response. So we made due. It wasn't too critical to my plans until the afternoon. Just annoying.

Then, my kids thought we should do read-aloud all morning since the projector wasn't working. We were at the most exciting part of the book, so it wasn't too hard to twist my arm. Man, their predictions were spot on!!! Annnd, we wrapped up the morning with just one chapter left of the book. Another cliff-hanger ending! We'll finish tomorrow and also start a new book. I picked out three more options I think they'll like.

The best part of the day was after teaching the 7-8th graders. Mr. E came back to his classroom and announced, "Miss H, there's a man in your room." Whaaat? I racked my brain trying to figure out who it could be. And who would Mr. E allow into the school during covid... The 7-8th graders were intrigued of course. Then it clicked. "Is it the IT guys?" 

It was! He came to school to trade out my broken projector for a working one. Just in time for my social studies lesson! Praise the Lord! The color is so much brighter and clearer and it has a remote too. I don't know if this is temporary or just a stand-in, but I'm happy to have it.

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