Monday, October 19, 2020


 Yep. It snowed today: huge, fat flakes fluttering down most of the morning and half the afternoon. It turned into rain right before the buses came. Nothing stuck to the ground, but it still annoyed my class. Four of my five listed it as their low of the day. It sure made standing out at the buses yucky! I'm going to have to wear my boots to school from now on, just in case.

Our janitor is off this week due to a family emergency, so we're on our own for cleaning. My class volunteered to divvy up the cleaning duties. Two will empty and fill the sink jugs. Two will wipe down high touch areas and desks. Two will clean off flexible seating. Since we added jobs to the end of the day list, my science time got cut super short today. :( 

Last week I had told them of an experiment they could do with water and paperclips. Because of the shape of water molecules, it's possible to fit a lot of paperclips in a full cup of water without it spilling over. All of them had forgotten to do it over the weekend, and they wanted to do it in class. So we did. We fit 56 paperclips in the tiny cup of water. I hadn't stacked the paper clips very well, so we re-did the experiment to see if I could stack them in a way to fit more in. It worked! We fit 67 in the second time! And that was pretty much all the time we had for science since we had to end early. Chemical reactions will have to wait for another day!

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