Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Well, last night was an adventure! After supper, Mrs. L and I went kayaking for an hour at the Courtland pond. It would've been nice to be out longer, but it gets dark so fast these days! We got everything loaded back in my car and she took off. I tried to do the same, but my car wouldn't start. Great. By now it was dark outside. I called Pastor, but he was in a school board meeting. So I called school to see if I could catch any of the people at the meeting. No answer. So I called Mr. E figuring if he were in a meeting, he'd still answer my call. He answered! The meeting had just finished and he would come jump my car for me.

Sigh. My car battery is not in a great spot for jumping. It's tucked up under the hood so you can barely get one of the cables to attach to an end. Mr. E had his own cables (mine were buried under my kayak and I didn't want to dig them out unless I had to), but they didn't reach very far. My car wouldn't start and wouldn't start, even when he revved his engine. So I dug out my cables (which stretch further) and attached the ground to the engine block. After that it worked! Whew! Thinking about my battery, I realized it's about seven years old... I've had my vehicle for five years and I've never changed it. So it's about time for a new one.

Mr. E wanted to make sure my car would be good and charged (so hopefully it would turn on in the morning for school), so he had me drive out to school, turn my car off, then start it up again. It started just fine! I parked outside my apartment, just in case the battery would be dead in the morning. It wasn't! God was good and my vehicle started right away. I still made an appointment to get the battery changed after school today. 

My kids were in a goofy mood today. I wonder if the weather is changing; it was super windy all afternoon. They wanted to play badminton at recess (which they all call 'Birdie'), but it was so windy the birdies blew all over the place. We took the net down and are going to try to find a way to put it up in the gym so we can play with no wind.

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