Friday, October 2, 2020


I FINALLY have the package ready to go for my marine friend. Everything is labeled and taped up. I hope it will get to the right place... the address doesn't have Japan anywhere in it. Still, it's the address he gave me. Maybe military bases have their own post office. It's too bad our post offices close so early. I'm heading to Fulda this weekend, but both the Courtland and Fulda post offices are closed already. So, I'll need to make a special trip in tomorrow. I don't want the cookies getting too stale before they arrive in Japan!

School today was pretty typical. One girl stayed home today and tuned in remotely. We were going to do calendar page writing for English, but my kids suggested the adjective game again because then she could participate with us easier. It was another great matchup! The boys won this time. We only had time for two rounds: a chocolate covered almond and a metal slinky. They came up with great words!

For recess we played 4-square and bombardment (our version is a little more similar to the game Trench). They painted their bible covers, we gave Joe a bath and let him wander the room, did our rounds, ate lunch, did Spanish Tap Game (colors), and did a bit of Minnesota history to end the day. 

I'm glad it's the end of the week. I can tell some of my kiddos are feeling extra tired! One boy cried during afternoon 4-square because a classmate 'targeted' him and got him out. A little while later, this kid 'got revenge' and made his classmate get out. He kept saying, "Revenge is so sweet!" I told him, "Vengence is mine saith the Lord!" (something my mom would say to us girls practically every day growing up) "Now, you can't complain about [the student] targeting you, because you just did the exact same thing back to him!" He didn't say another word about targeting the rest of recess.

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