Thursday, October 22, 2020

Computer Troubles

This morning the sky was all yellow for a few hours. Very strange. We looked it up and decided possible reasons are the fires in California or a lot of moisture in the air (sometimes the air turns yellow before a squall). It rained pretty much all day. 

Also, my computer died today... Yes, the new(ish) one the IT guys switched out for me earlier this school year. Halfway through the morning, the projector screen suddenly went blue, then black with all sorts of code written on it. My computer screen was completely dark. So I texted a picture of the gobbledygook to IT and restarted my computer, hoping that would reset it. Nope. Later, I called them and they walked me through a few things to try. Nope. It was a fix they’d have to do in person. Thankfully the rest of the day did not rely on the computer, so we were able to accomplish my todo list. They said they’d be out tonight to fix it, so hopefully they follow through!

After school, it was my day to clean the bathrooms/high contact areas. It wasn't as bad as I thought. The biggest thing was figuring out what I had to clean and where the supplies were. I finished in about an hour and a half. I guess it was a good thing my computer was dead; cleaning was about the only thing I could do!

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