Thursday, March 21, 2019


No, the weather wasn't icy today. ICY stands for Immanuel Church/Christian Youth, aka our church's youth group. We had an event after school today at the WowZone to go bowling, play laser tag, and eat pizza. It was one of our top attended events so far since Angie and I have been leaders... 11 kids! Both our cars were full and one parent dropped kids off. There were some at school who wanted to go, but they didn't tell their parents soon enough.

Since we left for the event at 3:30, all the kids stayed after school. I had a half an hour to get my teacher stuff done. You can guess how well that went down. To be fair, I did get some things accomplished, however, I still had a lot left undone by the time 3:30 rolled around.

Tomorrow is the end of the quarter. Most kids are getting their stuff done. Of course, some of the ones missing things went to the youth group event when they maybe should've been catching up on their work... Ahem. Anyway.

School went pretty good today. We ended up with a strange schedule because our Africa speaker could come in the morning, but not the afternoon. He's a missionary kid who grew up in Malawi, Africa. It was really interesting! He's a freshman at MLC on the pastor track and it turns out he is good friends with my cousin who is at MLC (they were actually roommates one year of high school!). Small world!

We were supposed to have another speaker tomorrow, the rescheduled student from Asia, but she forgot she has a choir concert to get ready for, so she cancelled last minute. I hadn't heard from her until later this afternoon just before we had to leave for ICY. I had been scrambling to find someone to give her a ride and finally found one last night at church. It's a tad annoying to cancel so last minute, but we're flexible, and I totally understand how crazy schedules get in the spring. I'm hoping she'll want to reschedule a third time... I still need to look at what we can work on tomorrow instead of hearing her presentation. I'm thinking we'll do science.

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