Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Sports Day

I wore my Croatian soccer jersey to school today to be festive for Sports Day (did I mention we're celebrating Lutheran Schools Week this week?). It was also the Young Writers and Artists Conference at Bethany today.

It's always a bit of a rush to get there on time, so I had one family meet us there to stake out seats. I took the 8th grade boys who all ride the first bus to school so we could leave right away. We picked up our packets and helped stake out the spot on the bleachers. Unfortunately, we were missing about four folders. I am positive they registered; somehow their folders got misplaced. It was a major bummer for the girls because they had picked the popular artsy classes that have very strict number limits. The girls had to choose different sessions and there were no spaces left in the original ones they'd chosen. Sigh. It took forever to get them re-signed up too. Oh well. They still had fun I think!

The first session I tagged along with the 8th grade boys to origami. We made a cool foldable accordion thing. Second session I wandered around until I found some of my students doing a Picasso rooster oil/chalk pastel session. That was pretty neat. Our presenter was either Spanish or Italian and had an awesome accent. He liked my drawing and even took a picture of it at the end! After lunch, a parent and I didn't have any kids to follow, so we decided to go off by ourselves and sit in on a class we thought no one from school registered for: "Everything I know about writing, I learned from Professional Wrestling" by Ryan Jacobson. It was just as entertaining as it sounds! We had a great time. That ended the YWAC for us, so we collected our kids and drove back to school.

After we got back we had just enough time to set up the tables/chairs for tomorrow's family day lunch in the gym. The folding chairs are all kept in the shed behind the gym. Unfortunately, there's a huge drift of snow in the way. The 8th grade boys had to chisel the snow and ice away enough to make a path to open the doors. It took a half an hour, but they finally broke through! Over the summer there are plans to build an attached shed back there so we have access to it year-round. That will be so nice! I can't wait. I'm already planning the things I want to store out there.

The Immanuel-ites of our church made supper for us teachers as an appreciation gesture. It was delicious: beef stew (some of the best I've ever had) and tortilla soup. Plus desserts. And then we had a PTL meeting. The meeting only lasted an hour, but I stuck around talking to parents for a while. That and, tomorrow is Twins Day and Mr. E and I had to plan our outfit...

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