Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Twin Day

Mr. E wore a purple tie today, so our 'twinning' wasn't as obvious as it could've been. Oh well! He got a kick out of pointing out to people how look-alike we were.

The whole day went really well. Well, it rained all day and the parking lot was super icy (we had some guys come put gravel and sand on the ice to help it be less slippery). I slipped this morning before school started and my whole left leg got soaked. Thankfully I wore black pants, so no one could tell. They dried eventually.

Our entertainment after lunch was a juggler from Mt. Lake. He combined his juggling talents with his life story and really connected it all back to God and following God's plan and purpose for your life. It was just what I needed to hear today. In a surprising turn of events, I was the first one picked to be his assistant! Totally random choice, but I guess I did so well with it that a bunch of people thought it was preplanned! Ha!

He wandered up and down the bleachers around people until he came to me on the end and then dragged me by the arm out to the center of the gym. I could feel my cheeks turning bright red, but decided that since I was up there, I may as well make the most of it and ham it up. He handed me juggling bats to hand to him. Then he sat in the audience and we all waited for me to juggle. I tried flipping one left handed... I didn't catch it. So he came back out and juggled them. Then he put a leather pirate bandanna on my head and gave me some rings to toss over his head. I got all four of them on him! He gave me a long balloon (for balloon animals) and no balloon pump and gestured for me to blow it up. Of course I couldn't. He did a whole bit with the "why can't you do it? oh here, let me try... eww, gross spit!" then pulling out the balloon pump and blowing it up. He ended up making me a hat and I was allowed to sit down.

Even though I was nervous, it was fun!

Well, I better get over to church before they close up the takeout supper line. My farmer is coming up for church, and I told Mr. E we'd be getting takeout from the 7-8th graders chili supper tonight!

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