Friday, March 8, 2019

Zoo Purchases

We had an influx of zoo purchases today... someone bought a mystery animal which then prompted a ton more people to buy some. The coolest thing the mystery animal turned out to be was a dragon. The rest were garter snakes, sting rays, bats, a possum, a giraffe, a lemur, and a warthog. A few bought specific animals from the book, but the majority were willing to try their luck! The boys had been getting the boring animals when the first girl to pick a mystery animal got the dragon. Yeah, they claimed I was playing favorites after that so I had to explain how I get the random animal list.

Our Friday writing prompt was 'What does Miss H do after we leave school?" They had to write their predictions of what I do from after school until bedtime. Some took the realistic approach while others invented a much more exciting life for me... "Teacher By Day, Superhero By Night!" is the title of one. Another is titled "Teacher By Day, Rockstar By Night!". Only two kids handed their stories in today, the rest are going to finish next week. Of the ones handed in, one 5th grader thinks I do yoga after school. The 6th grader's was pretty accurate (the brief glance I gave it when she turned it in): phone calls, talk to the other teachers, email people, etc.

During art, one of the 6th graders who lives in Courtland asked me if I had water problems last night. It turns out, I did! Well, my toilet made a sound like it was going to explode when I flushed it, tons of really loud gurgling.  I was almost too afraid to take a shower... but that worked fine. When my kids heard that, one boy said, "Ooo! Miss H, you just gave me a great idea for my story about you." Hmm... I wonder what he's going to write... Side note- when I checked my email today, I found out there was trouble with a waterline in town and almost the whole town was effected, which was why my bathroom made such strange noises.

Well, my desk's surface has resurfaced from the pile of papers accumulated throughout the day. My stack of things to bring home has been stacked up. I have my after-school to-do list finished. The only thing left is to zip home and get Joe's food from my fridge... I forgot to take it out this morning and he is totally out! I don't want him to starve over the weekend, so I better bring it back over here.

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