Friday, March 22, 2019

So Much Space

A few weeks ago, there was a pipe mishap involving the boys' bathroom and the basement... the pipe came out of its holding in the basement, spraying yuck everywhere. So. It got fixed, but the basement is yucky and musty. Therefore, it needs to be cleaned out. (Well, it needed cleaning before, but now it REALLY needs it). One of our usual retired ladies who helps out at school a lot took it upon herself to get a crew to do it today. It's a bit poor timing since it's the end of the quarter and kids have lots to do in our rooms. Still, we scrounged some time for the 5-8th graders to help bring stuff up from the basement for the crew to sort through.

The head honcho of the volunteers said if there's anything we want to save, we should mark it. If there's anything we want to toss, set it in the get-rid-of pile! And we should go through our classrooms too. The Orphan Grain Train is going to take some of our old desks. They may want our old curriculum too. I went through my bookshelves and closet and collected the past curriculum we don't use anymore. Some of it is still pretty new, but I never use it. It's taking up shelf space and collecting dust.

I had enough space on my front bookshelf to move the current math books out of my closet storage. Now I have space in my closet! And I got rid of a bunch of old teachers manuals so now my teacher bookshelf has space! Yay! I have a few ideas of what I want to do with it... the first is to put my Daily 5 whole group picture books there so my kids don't get tired of reading them before I teach the lesson. Right now they're crammed in a crate behind my mini-whiteboard easel. But, that's a task for another day. It's my grandma's birthday and I need to leave now so I'm not late for supper!

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