Thursday, March 12, 2020


Oh man, did it turn windy today! Walking back from church I had to lean into the wind to stay upright! 

My kids were actually pretty good today. Mr. E stopped in a few times to check on us. That helped the squirrely ones settle down. One kid had a tough patch, but he turned it around and was great the rest of the day! 

We had practice for the Fine Arts Fair over at church. We're also playing bells and singing Sunday, so we set up bells during our normal practice time and ran through the Sunday songs and our one song for Saturday. Then we did it again during the dress rehearsal. I think we're ready! We ran out of time during the dress rehearsal so about six kids didn't get to do their dramatic readings or songs. Some were upset about it, but most were fist-pumping and grinning. 

Mr. E and the other principals have been discussing whether to actually have it or not because of the coronavirus. I can't believe how everyone is freaking out about it. So far, the show will go on. They're officially deciding tomorrow. I think we should still have it; if people are sick, they should stay home. 

I just learned a trick for getting rid of colds/flu faster. When you start to feel sick, drop some hydrogen peroxide in your ears (one at a time) and let it sit for a minute, then drain it out. The hydrogen peroxide kills the virus cells in your inner ear before they get down into the rest of your body. I tried it last night to see if it would help me get rid of my lingering cough. I feel much better today than I did yesterday! Still not 100% though, so I'll do it again tonight. 

My class tried a quick experiment today. The read aloud book had a part about running better if you exhale when your left leg hits the ground. My kids wanted to test it, so we did a quick break in the gym. First, we ran down/back normally, then we did the same but tried to time our breathing so we exhaled on the left foot and inhaled on the right. Results varied. I think we'd have more accurate results if we did a longer distance. Still, science!

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