Tuesday, March 24, 2020


I had THE best idea today. 

Here's the backstory: The last time I talked to my marine friend C, he thought he'd be able to visit his family the last week of April before they ship him off to Japan in May. I haven't heard from him in a while, but I'm guessing with the coronavirus going around, the military isn't going to let him go home on leave. Bummer. How to cheer him up...

April is fast approaching, along with April Fool's Day. How about sending him a card full of jokes? Normally I'd have my students help me out, and with a little creative thinking, I figured out a way for them to do that from a distance! 

First, I used a program called "Flipgrid" to make an assignment: send me your best joke. They can record themselves saying the joke and the website will gather the responses in one place. I will write their jokes on a card and mail it to C. 

But... after poking around on Flipgrid more, I found a feature that lets the owner (me) share an assignment (the jokes) with a guest (C) so he can see the videos right from the students! So... my current plan is to write the link to the assignment in the card so he can look it up when he gets the card (more of a surprise that way). But, I may change my mind and message him the link after he would've gotten the card. 

We talked about jokes in today's morning meeting, but no one besides me has uploaded a joke video. The one I picked was one of my brother's favorite jokes: Knock knock! Who's there? Panther. Panther who? ...Panther no pants, I'm going swimming! 😁

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