Friday, March 27, 2020

What a day

Oh boy... my kids were struuuuuggling this morning! Our religion lesson had us looking up a lot of bible verses. I've been drawing sticks for which kid gets to read them, since I can't see their raised hands over the computer. Normally they're pretty good about following along. Not today. Gah, it was like pulling teeth to get them to the right passage in their bibles! We made it all the way through the religion lesson though.

The jokes have been slowly trickling in. I still need three more. One forgot about it, one is having trouble logging on, and the third's microphone/camera on her device isn't working. I'm hoping our card will be ready to mail today. Man, those videos they uploaded are great. Some of my favorite jokes so far: "I was working at a calendar company. I got fired. I think it was because I took a day off..." and "Today at the bank, a lady told me to check her balance. So I pushed her over. It didn't go well." "Why did the bike fall over? It was two tired." So great. (If you want to see their videos, email me and I'll send you the link!)

Another thing that cracked me up today is this one kid who keeps finding excuses to call me via Teams. I think he's bored or wanting more company than his two brothers. Every time he's on screen he has another tool in his hands he's flipping around in front of the camera. Yesterday it was two different pocket knives, today it was two yard sticks, later on it was a pliers. Who knows what tomorrow will bring!

My prep for Drop Day is going well. Just down to figuring out what art projects they should do... Then I need to organize their packets and put them down on the pick-up end. I might do a quick grocery run today, depending how soon I leave school. But then again, everyone else might have the same idea and the store might be crazy. Maybe I should wait until next week...

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