Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Mountaineer vs Hawaiian Day

I couldn't decide, so I dressed as both. I have one obnoxiously orange Hawaiian shirt that looks like an accordion (I got it from $ bag day... I thought it was a skirt at the time)- always a hit! Then I wore a stocking cap, jeans, and brown boots.

Day Two of the Winter Olympics went better than the first. We started early so there would be time to set up tables for dinner tomorrow (families can come and eat with us). It was certainly a crunch time at the end! I let Mr. E do the talking/directing the 5-8th graders how to set up. He sent a bunch of my boys over to church to get more chairs. They were over there unsupervised; hopefully they left everything as they found it. They went back for another load of chairs right as it was time to pack up for the end of the day. Mr. E and I discovered they left too late to stop them. So it was even more of a crunch to pack them up and send them on the bus. Three people forgot to put their crates up. That means they each owe me 10 tokens to get it back.

My throat was still sore today. I'm trying not to let my voice go, but I can tell it's struggling. And of course my class was squirrely and talkative. Sigh. I wanted to go home early after school to rest up more, but we had a staff meeting, then cleaned the office, then I had a big to-do list of little things that would only take a few minutes to do... So I got home about 5:40ish. Now I'm resting though!

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