Friday, March 6, 2020

Book Character Day

I had a great costume today... I was the grandma from Little Red Riding Hood. My outfit consisted of things I (or someone else) found at MLHS Dollar Bag Day Sale: a light pink fluffy nightgown and a very old sleeping-cap-ish bonnet. I topped off the look with my computer glasses perched on the end of my nose and a creaky 'old' lady voice (which wasn't hard to do since my voice is kind of creaky today).

My energy level is doing better, throat isn't sore any more, but now my nose is dripping like a faucet and I still have a deep cough that only shows up every once in a while.

Our fun activity for the afternoon was playing BINGO with the nursing home residents in New Ulm. I wondered if they'd want me there spreading germs to the residents, so I brought a book along just in case I needed to quarantine myself. It's a good thing I did. They shuffled me off to the reading room near the entrance to the nursing home and I read for the 40 minutes they played BINGO. It was nice! I am rereading one of my grade school favorites, Boston Jane. The nursing home staff made cookies for our kids, and the lady in charge brought me a cookie before we left. How sweet!

Yesterday at the end of the day, one of my kids said, "Miss H, we're going to meet our pen pals tomorrow. If we were thinking, we would've written them letters and given them to them right there." Oh, yes, that would've been a good idea. It's a little late now though, right? Well... I came up with a compromise. We colored them 'spring' pictures. Everyone finished in time! Only one boy didn't find his pen pal, so he brought the picture back to school. Shucks! I guess we'll include it in the next round of letters we send.

We're going to plan a time for the residents to come out to school to play games with their pen pals, probably in April. Then they'll come out to see our musical in May. Should be fun!

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