Wednesday, March 2, 2022


Backwards Day. I wore a sweater and scarf backwards. It drove me crazy having to tug my cardigan sleeves over my shoulders! My scarf stayed put, mostly. 

Our end of the day activity was playing BINGO in the gym with leftover concession candy as prizes. The kids loved it! I got to do the number calling. We played for 35min and instead of doing a new card every time someone won, we used the same cards for 10 minutes so more kids could get prizes. Even so, there were still prizes leftover. Oh well. We'll save them for the spring carnival. 

My main after school task was looking up info on the colloquy. I found out I can test out of up to four classes, but it costs $350 PER test. Not for all four as I previously thought. The Old Testament class is probably the same one pre-sem students take to get admitted to seminary. There's a scholarship available that cuts the cost of the program roughly in half (free first class, $300 off subsequent classes, so the total cost is about $3500 instead of $6500). Classes are very rigorous and a lot of work (a lot of writing) and homework is due on the 25th of the month, no matter if it's a holiday. Ugh. Now I'm waffling back to I don't want to do it... Guess I need to sleep on it some more.

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