Thursday, March 3, 2022

Dress to Impress Day

Whew! I can't believe how pooped I am when it feels like I did nothing all day! 

Not true. The day was packed with people and things. I didn't lead anything, but I did do a bunch of behind the scenes work. Our guest pastor emailed me the chapel order of service in the morning for me to print. Then I noticed he had us using the All God's People Sing hymnal. Ohhh, we're going to need a piano player. And hymnals for our guests... Mrs. L? Can you sight read these songs??? She could, thankfully. I enlisted the 7-8th graders in rounding up hymnals and a place to put them. 

Then came cramming in as much as our normal routine as we could into the morning before chapel at 10:45. We did pretty good. We read a bunch of picture books practicing finding theme and the characters' points of view, read aloud, practiced spelling, and did three rounds of Daily 5. Chapel was fantastic. Lunch was delicious. Entertainment was wowing. 

Before I ate lunch, I had to deal with some technical difficulties. Our aux cord that hooks up the gym's sound system broke earlier this week and I thought nothing of it besides it would take our IT guys forever to fix it. Our juggler needed it today. Uh... 

Then I thought to disconnect my desktop computer's aux cord as a temporary replacement. Worked like a charm. I even got it hooked back up with no troubles. 

After entertainment came clean-up. We were left with an hour of school. I ended up showing my kids a Wishbone episode, the one on Treasure Island so they'll be familiar with the story when we watch Treasure Planet. They played games with the kindergarteners at the end of the day while I worked with the 8th grade boys on a plan to hang chairs in the old shed. 

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