Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Lenten Supper

Tonight is the class fundraiser! We are 90% ready. We just need to pop the garlic bread into the oven. Serving starts at 5:30, but some people come at 5:15. 

I have four kiddos staying after school and they're a little restless. They worked in my room for a bit, then bopped to Mr. E's, then back to mine, back to his, back to mine... I just agreed to a three minute bouncy house brain break and then we're moving the party to church.

My big accomplishments (besides setting up for supper) were to get sign-in sheets made for the joint baby shower for Mrs. L and Miss M (a preschool helper) and connect with the IT guy about the projector not working. He claimed he knew nothing about it. I sent him a screenshot of my text message back on February 23rd. After that he gave me some ideas, most of which I had tried, and one I hadn't: clean the board with whiteboard spray. 

It worked! I guess my kids' fingers were stickier than I thought... the board was pretty dirty. Unfortunately, I tried recalibrating the board and it made the interactiveness way off. So it works, but your finger moves things three feet away from where you're touching. He doesn't remember how he got that fixed last time, so he's doing research. Hopefully he gets back to me sooner than last time. He also promised two spotlights for the spring musical, plus at least six microphones for my main speakers. Woohoo!

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